This September-October we’ll be hosting Wu De (Aaron Fisher), zen and tea monk, founder of Global Tea Hut and author of books such as The Way of Tea, Zen and Tea One Flavor, Tea Wisdom and Tea Medicine.…
Tea Ceremony and Workshop Program (November-February) Tea Ceremony (Leaves in a Bowl) Saturday, November 26, 2016 (9:30 - 11:30) We invite you to participate in a beautiful autumn tea ceremony that harmonizes the self with nature, one…
While Barcelona was celebrating the Mercè Festival, 1 hour away Calella was celebrating their 36th annual Artisan's Fair. The local town government invited Caj Chai to set up a tea and teaware stand and represent Prague, Czech Republic.…
This October we'll be hosting Wu De (Aaron Fisher), zen monk, tea master, founder of Global Tea Hut and author of books such as The Way of Tea, Zen and Tea One Flavor, Tea Wisdom and Tea Medicine.…
Last month Čaj Chai teahouse began a series of tea cuppings with a different approach than those we usually hold at our workshops and tastings. The first two parts of this series were dedicated towards The Tones and…
On January 9th we held a fantastic Pairing Tea and Chocolate workshop. At the very beginning I was asked where I got this outrageous idea from. Of course, I had to laugh, the truth is the very concept…
8 de Octubre: Exposición de Pintura: "El Ritual de Té" Acuarelas de Bonaria Staffetta (20:00) En esta exposición Bonaria Staffetta muestra una serie de acuarelas que retratan momentos especiales que ella ha vivido en la tetería Caj Chai.…
Profundizando en el Té Japones El mes pasado realizamos un taller de té de 2,5 horas dirigida a aquellos que quieren profundizarse más en el gran mundo del té japones donde degustamos 25 diferentes tés japoneses!!! El té…
Haz un recorrido a través de Matcha, uno de los tés japoneses más importantes, te introduciremos en su historia, conocerás algunas diferentes variedades, que utensilios utilizar y los primeros pasos para disfrutar de la ceremonia chanoyu. Saborearás con…
Este mes tuvimos la gran suerte de recibir la visita del monje zen y maestro de té Wu De (nacido Aaron Fisher), autor de libros de té como The Way of Tea, Zen and Tea One Flavor, Tea…
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