wild tea tasting

This Wild Tea tasting is the perfect chance to discover or re-discover the different tea categories through a very complete cupping of Wild teas from various tea producing countries (China, Taiwan, Japan and Vietnam). In this cupping we will cover the main tea categories (white, green, oolong, red, dark and puerh).

Each participant will be equipped with their own cupping sets to brew and appreciate each tea using all their senses. Cupping tea is a great way to sharpen our perception when comparing different teas simultaneously, while helping to cultivate our palate. Tea cupping also helps us develop a vocabulary specific to the world of tea when describing our sensations.

Saturday, March 11 at 11:00h. Limited seating. Reserve at Čaj Chai Barcelona Teahouse. Price 30€ or 25€ for Čaj Chai Club members. Your participation grants you a 10% discount on all your tea and tea accessory purchases on the day of the event.