tea ceremonies

Here you’ll find the tea ceremonies and tea classes we’ll be hosting in March, April and May


Delving into Oolong Tea from Taiwan
Saturday, March 17 (10:30-13:00)
Este taller de té de 2,5 horas está dirigida a aquellos que quieren profundizarse en el gran mundo del té oolong a través del país que más se ha especializado en esta categoría de té: Formosa (Taiwan)

El té oolong representa la categoría de té más amplía, reuniendo tés con muy poca oxidación como el Baozhong o Pouchong a tés con baja, media o alta oxidación y con varios niveles de tueste.

El propósito de este taller es aprender bien que es el té oolong, cuales son sus máximas representantes en Taiwan y como se diferencian entre sí. Para esto haremos varias rondas de degustaciones donde nos enfocaremos nuestros sentidos en percibir sus diferencias y similaridades.

Limited Seating. Reserve at Caj Chai Barcelona Teahouse. Price 35€ or 30€ for Caj Chai Club members. Your participation grants you a 10% discount on your tea and teaware purchases made the day of the event.

Global Tea Hut Gathering
Saturday, March 17 (22:00-23:30)
Do you like tea and meditation?
Global Tea Hut is a tea community created by Tea Sage Hut, a non-profit organization based in Taiwan which serves as a tea and mediatation temple and school dedicatedto promoting the tea leaf, organic and sustainable agriculture, and tea’s potential as a transforming element inviting harmony into our lives.

Every month we gather at Ceremonia del Té for a Global Tea Hut gathering where we share a meditation session, tea ceremony and speak about all things tea related. We share the tea of thee month and comment on the monthly Global Tea Hut magazine articles or topics.

For more info about Global Tea Hut please visit www.globalteahut.org
If you’d like to participate or know more, please contact Antonio at 610334712 or by email info@teabarcelona.com

Palm Sunday Tea Ceremony
Sunday, March 25 (12:00-13:30)
Tea Ceremony to commence Easter week. We will begin with a short welcome and introduction before commencing. We will then proceed with the tea ceremony, sharing a few cups or bowls of tea in silence. Lastly, we’ll save a little time for questions and for sharing our experience etc.

Limited Seating. Reserve at Čaj Chai Barcelona Teahouse. Minimum donation 13 €.

Full Moon Tea and Sound Experience with Sonando道
Michie Kuwashima: Tibetan bowls; Guillermo Rizzotto: Guitar sound textures
Saturday, March 31 (Two Sessions 19:00-20:30 and 22:00-23:30)

The full moon tea ceremony is the perfect opportunity to relax, meditate and release everything we no longer want, inviting change into our lives, shedding light on everything we no longer need and letting go.

This session will be extra special as the tea ceremony will flow accompanied by a live sound experience performed by Sonando道

Sonando makes sound scapes that lead us to our Inner Silence. Tibetan bowls played by Michie Kuwashima and ambient guitar textures by Guillermo Rizzotto fuse together with the vibrations of the participants, inviting us to a meditative space where each encounter is unique and ephemeral, just as in life… or as we tea people would say “ichi-go ichi-e” (one encounter, one chance)

We invite you to live the present, where we’ll hold space for something to emerge and transform towards simplicity and oneness.

We will begin with a short welcome and introduction before commencing. We will then proceed with the tea ceremony, sharing some bowls of tea in silence. Lastly, we’ll save a little time for questions and for sharing our experience etc.

Limited Seating. Reserve at Čaj Chai Barcelona Teahouse. 25€.


Introduction to Chanoyu and Matcha Tea Preparation
Sunday, April 8 (10:00-12:00)
Introducción a “Chanoyu”, la famosa Ceremonia de Té Japonesa. Haremos un recorrido histórico por esta ceremonia popular japonesa, enfocándonos en las claves que permiten un buen servicio. También exploraremos todos los usos y variantes del té verde matcha, un té verde molido que se usa en la ceremonia de té y en la repostería de actualidad. Este taller incluye la degustación de té verde matcha ecológico de categoría ceremonial y una oportunidad para que los participantes aprendan a batir el matcha y practicarlo con nosotros.

Limited Seating. Reserve at Caj Chai Barcelona Teahouse. Price 30€ or 25€ for Caj Chai Club members. Your participation grants you a 10% discount on your tea and teaware purchases made the day of the event.


Pairing Tea & Chocolate
Sunday, April 29 (10:00-12:00)
¿Te encanta el té y el chocolate? En este taller indagaremos en el maravilloso mundo del maridaje del té y chocolate. Déjate sorprender por combinaciones de sabores que se casan y otras que se contrastan de manera interesante. Regálate un auténtico placer para los sentidos.

Limited Seating. Reserve at Caj Chai Barcelona Teahouse. Price 35€ or 30€ for Caj Chai Club members. Your participation grants you a 10% discount on your tea and teaware purchases made the day of the event.


Global Tea Hut Gathering
Sunday, May 6 (9:30-11:30)
Do you like tea and meditation?
Global Tea Hut is a tea community created by Tea Sage Hut, a non-profit organization based in Taiwan which serves as a tea and mediatation temple and school dedicatedto promoting the tea leaf, organic and sustainable agriculture, and tea’s potential as a transforming element inviting harmony into our lives.

Every month we gather at Ceremonia del Té for a Global Tea Hut gathering where we share a meditation session, tea ceremony and speak about all things tea related. We share the tea of thee month and comment on the monthly Global Tea Hut magazine articles or topics.

For more info about Global Tea Hut please visit www.globalteahut.org
If you’d like to participate or know more, please contact Antonio at 610334712 or by email info@teabarcelona.com


Vegan Pastries with Essential Oils Workshop
Saturday, May 12, 2018 (12:00-14:00)

Si disfrutas elaborando en tu cocina deliciosos postres, ¡este curso es para ti! Te ofrecemos la posibilidad de conocer las propiedades y los beneficios de los aceites esenciales mientras aprendes cómo usarlos en tus sabrosos platos. Aportando salud con estos ingredientes de calidad procedentes de la Madre Naturaleza, puedes añadirle aún más sabor y aroma a esos dulces y postres que tanto te gusta preparar para ti y para los tuyos. ¡Convierte esa última degustación de tu menú, desayunos y/o meriendas en una experiencia sana, rica y muy placentera!

Te proponemos un taller de 2h compuesto por una parte teórica y otra práctica en la que también podrás degustar las recetas preparadas.

Impartido por Adrián Sanz Gómez, cocinero profesional, formado por el Instituto ESB de Aromaterapia Integrada y profesor de Cocina Aromática.


Limited Seating. Reserve at https://goo.gl/Hd5y3h. Price 30€. Your participation grants you a 10% discount on your tea and teaware purchases made the day of the event.


Tea and Sound Experience with Sonando道
Michie Kuwashima: Tibetan bowls; Guillermo Rizzotto: Guitar sound textures
Saturday, May 19 (Two Sessions 19:00-20:30 and 22:00-23:30)

This tea ceremony will be extra special as the tea ceremony will flow accompanied by a live sound experience performed by Sonando道

Sonando makes sound scapes that lead us to our Inner Silence. Tibetan bowls played by Michie Kuwashima and ambient guitar textures by Guillermo Rizzotto fuse together with the vibrations of the participants, inviting us to a meditative space where each encounter is unique and ephemeral, just as in life… or as we tea people would say “ichi-go ichi-e” (one encounter, one chance)

We invite you to live the present, where we’ll hold space for something to emerge and transform towards simplicity and oneness.

We will begin with a short welcome and introduction before commencing. We will then proceed with the tea ceremony, sharing some bowls of tea in silence. Lastly, we’ll save a little time for questions and for sharing our experience etc.

Limited Seating. Reserve at Čaj Chai Barcelona Teahouse. 25€.


Photo by Alexandra Chistova (instagram @analogphotobcn)