Tag - puerh

New Arrivals: Organic Puerh and more


This week we added 4 more new arrivals including a couple of incredible organic puerh teas! WHITE TEA Jasmine Silver Needles: https://teabarcelona.com/en/product/jasmine-silver-needles/ PUERH TEA 2010 Organic Shou Puerh Nan Jian Phoenix Tuo: https://teabarcelona.com/en/product/2010-organic-puerh-shou-nan-jian-phoenix-tuo/ 2013 Organic Shou Puerh Nan Jian 703:…

Wild Tea Buds

Blog, Culture

Wild tea buds are special in many ways. First of all, it's love at first sight. It really doesn't matter which varietal we're talking about; a handful of  any unopened tea buds are beautiful! Often these precious tips are…